Project Controls Support Services
Project Description
The Bay Area Rapid Transit's (BART) Earthquake Safety Program is slated for completion in 2022. This portion encompassed seismic modifications to 13 existing BART stations along the A, C, & R lines. The scope of work for each station included structural retrofits of pier foundations, including columns and pier caps, demolition of selected existing facilities, shoring for excavation support, steel structure retrofit, drilling and bonding dowels in concrete, micro piles, electrical work at piers and main concourse, architectural work at stairs and escalators, restoration of site improvements, utilities, and other related site work.
Project Highlights
Complete seismic upgrades to 13 BART stations as well as Architectural and MEP upgrades to the stations. Work was phased construction staged during live-track operations. BART stations that were seismically upgraded/retrofitted include:
- Line A (Alameda Line) - 7 Stations (6 Aerial, 1 At-grade)
- Line C (Contra Costa Line) - 4 Aerial Stations
- Line R (Richmond Line) - 2 Aerial Stations